INT. SURGERY - CONSULTING ROOM - DAY DOCTOR STROUD sits behind his desk, an ancient wiry officious type with strong spectacles. Seated opposite is MARIAN, an agitated svelte young lady. STROUD Now, we have the results back from the tests we conducted last week. I'm afraid it's not looking too promising. MARIAN There's nothing to be done? Nothing at all? STROUD Your fetish is just too dangerous. We've We've tried all the legal substitute fetishes, and none of them have stuck for long... Marian smiles to herself momentarily, then goes back to listening. ...the statutes don't give us many more options. MARIAN So what now? Are there some pills I could take, make it so I want to do it no matter how? STROUD I'm afraid that's not really possible. We only have two choices. You can submit to voluntary recycling. Marian grimaces, clearly unimpressed. Oh, it wouldn't be so bad. The data-centre is always looking for new brains. I'm sure you'd be a wonderful processing-node. The alternative is a complete personality replacement. MARIAN Well, that doesn't sound quite so bad. STROUD We'd build a whole new personality inside your head, completely replacing your existing one. You'd not really be yourself any more. MARIAN Oh. So that's like recycling me out and somebody else in? I'm not seeing a lot to choose between, here... Marian schemes. Stroud sits back, waiting. MARIAN When do I have to decide? STROUD Ahh... by the end of tomorrow, it seems. And we have to keep you under observation. You know, precautions. Marian schemes some more, a guilty look on her face. INT. SEX CENTRE - LOBBY - DAY Marian presents her ID card to the GUARD at the kiosk. She's wearing a tight black dress and is carrying a riding-crop. GUARD Right on time again, Susan. In you go. MARIAN (SUSAN) Of course, got to get your statutory sex. GUARD Some people try to avoid it, you know. They have all sorts of excuses. I even heard of one woman pretending she was only into some really dangerous fetish. Can't see as how that would have got by the psychs. I mean, they get right inside your head, they do. MARIAN (SUSAN) That they do. Marian takes back her ID card and goes on into the building. We catch a flash of her card as she tucks it away: Susan Stroud.