Initial Brief

A request came round at the Computer Science Department, when I was working there, for some assistance producing a series of posters to advertise the York Doctoral Symposium. The organizing committee wanted a few different posters, and had some ideas to start with, "something cool like this New World poster":

I volunteered, despite being rather pressed for time, and they agreed to take me on even though I warned them that I might not be all that quick to respond to change requests.


In the end I took only a few elements from the "New World" concept: the stylised, almost-silhouetted skyline became a pale two-tone vector backdrop and the Deco sensibilities led to the use of the subtly Bauhaus-insired URW Gothic font. A few other design elements were pulled in from the website template that had already been chosen, notably the orange colour (the combination with grey happens to be a favourite of mine, a feature of many of my designs). Through a combination of different iconic images evoking a sense of York and the University and a transparent colour overlay, the same source could be used to generate a number of different outputs. We ended up going for the ones that looked best once printed by the campus print shop.


A few more iterations were performed, to generate logos, flyers and so on. I was involved in some of the logos and some of the flyers; the organizing committee also produced some stuff on their own.