
Zoë Stephenson graduated from the University of York with a first-class honours degree in Computer Science. She has previously worked as a research student funded through an EPSRC CASE studentship with Rolls-Royce plc., on the Converse project, part of the EPSRC Systems Engineering for Business Process Change managed research programme. In March 2002 she received her PhD in Computer Science, and she worked at the Rolls-Royce University Technology Centre in Systems and Software Engineering at the University of York from September 2001 to June 2009. Her research interests include metamodelling, agile development, component-based development, product lines, formal specification, model-checking and safety-critical development. She is currently working at the High-Integrity Systems Engineering group in the Department of Computer Science at the University of York.


Zoë Stephenson, John McDermid Deriving Architectural Flexibility Requirements in Safety-Critical Systems IEE Proceedings in Software 152(4), August 2005, pp143-152

Zoë Stephenson, John McDermid Using Model Checking to Validate Style-Specific Architectural Refactoring Patterns Presented at 31st IEEE Software Engineering Workshop, Baltimore, Maryland, March 2007

Zoë Stephenson, John McDermid Automated Component Configuration in Safety-Critical Domains Presented at SPLC Workshop on Software Variability Management for Product Derivation, Software Product Line Conference, Boston, Massachussetts, August 2004

Zoë Stephenson Interval Analysis Applied to Model-Checking of Embedded Control Systems Technical Report YCS-2008-431, University of York, May 2008

Full academic CV.

  • 20 years experience programming in a wide variety of languages
  • over 10 years experience with industrially-focused software process improvement
  • Experience with technical project administration
  • Good understanding of German, some understanding of French
  • Artistic/creative experience
  • Local Linux User Group coordinator ("LUGMaster") and InstallFest organiser
  • Magic: the Gathering rules newsgroup NetRep (official representative)

Full résumé.