
Book Chapters

Zoë Stephenson, Katrina Attwood, John McDermid
in: Relating Software Requirements and Architectures, Ivan Mistrik, John Grundy, Patricia Lago, Jon Hall, Paris Avgeriou, eds. Springer, 2011

Refereed Journal Publications

Zoë Stephenson, John McDermid
IEE Proceedings in Software 152(4), August 2005, pp143-152

Refereed Conference and Workshop Publications

Zoë Stephenson, Christian Fairburn, George Despotou, Tim Kelly, Nicola Herbert, Bruce Daughtrey
Presented at Safety-Critical Systems Symposium 2011, Southampton, UK, February 2011
Zoë Stephenson, John McDermid
Presented at IET Conference on System Safety, Manchester, UK, October 2010
Zoë Stephenson, Tim Kelly, Jean-Louis Camus
Presented at Embedded Real-Time Software and Systems 2010, Toulouse, France, May 2010
Ibrahim Habli, Zoë Stephenson, Tim Kelly, John McDermid
Zoë Stephenson, John McDermid
Presented at 31st IEEE Software Engineering Workshop, Baltimore, Maryland, March 2007
Zoë Stephenson, Mark Nicholson, John McDermid
Presented at the 24th International System Safety Conference, 31st July-4th August 2006, Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA
Richard Paige, Xiaochen Wang, Zoë Stephenson, Philip Brooke
Presented at the 7th International Conference on Extreme Programming and Agile Processes in Software Engineering, XP2006, Oulu, Finland, June 17-22, 2006
Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Extreme Programming and Agile Processes in Software Engineering, XP2006, Lecture Notes in Computer Science Volume 4044, pp198-199
Zoë Stephenson, John McDermid, Andrew G. Ward
Presented at First IET International Conference on System Safety Engineering, London, June 2006
Zoë Stephenson, John McDermid, Jason Choy
Presented at 30th IEEE/NASA Software Engineering Workshop, Columbia, Maryland, April 2006
Zoë Stephenson, Mark Nicholson, John McDermid
Presented at International System Safety Conference, San Diego, California, August 2005
Richard Paige, Howard Chivers, John McDermid, Zoë Stephenson
Presented at Symposium on Applied Computing, Santa Fe, New Mexico, March 2005
Zoë Stephenson, Savita de Souza, John McDermid
Presented at International System Safety Conference, Providence, Rhode Island, 2nd-6th August 2004
Zoë Stephenson, John McDermid
Presented at SPLC Workshop on Software Variability Management for Product Derivation, Software Product Line Conference, Boston, Massachussetts, August 2004.
Zoë Stephenson, Yuan Zhan, John McDermid
Presented at Software Product Line Testing Workshop, Software Product Line Conference, Boston, Massachussetts, August 2004. Proceedings published as AVAYA Labs report ALR-2004-031, Birgit Geppert, Charles Kruger, J. Jenny Li, eds.

Workshop Contributions

Zoë Stephenson, Mark Nicholson
In Proceedings of the Second Groningen Workshop on Software Variability Management, Technical Report 2004-7-01, University of Groningen Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, December 2004

Technical Reports

Zoë Stephenson
Technical Report YCS-2008-431, University of York, May 2008
Zoë Stephenson
Technical Report YCS-2005-387, University of York, May 2005
Zoë Stephenson, Darren Buttle
Technical Report YCS-2004-373, University of York, February 2004

PhD Thesis

Zoë Stephenson
PhD Thesis YCST-2003-03, University of York, first submitted March 2002

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